Beginner's Guide To Cycling

Beginner's Guide To Cycling

Nothing like a calorie-burning, heart-pumping, sweat-inducing cycling workout! If you’ve ever tried cycling, then you know what I’m talking about - cycling lives up to the hype. It’s incredibly fun, but also an effective low impact cardiovascular workout. Your first time on a cycle bike can be intimidating, but with a few tricks up your sleeves, you’ll be well on your way to perfecting your cycling form and acing your workouts!


There are many factors to choose from when it comes to exercise bikes, and we offer a wide variety of exercise bikes to accommodate your preferences. From magnetic resistance to friction resistance (felt pad or leather pad), chain drive to belt drive, and all of the little features that make your cycling experience unique and comfortable to you. At the end of the day, all of our bikes are built to support a fantastic cycling workout! So, regardless of which model you have or choose, you can achieve a great cycling workout from home.

It’s important to note, some exercise bikes require more frequent and regular maintenance than others. Caring for your bike is important for the longevity of your exercise bike.

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